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From Water

Hi! We’re NewFish®, a biotechnology nutrition company headquartered from New Zealand on a mission to create nutrition without compromise utilizing microalgae technology.

Today’s protein production is inefficient and compromises our waters, our biodiversity and our environment. With a rising global population the risk around food security is compounding.

Microalgae are tiny organisms found in freshwater and marine environments that can be grown efficiently in bioreactors and processed to create highly nutritious, protein-packed food products.

Microalgae require a fraction of the water, land and time as other protein sources and omit a fraction of the greenhouse gasses. With a complete amino-acid profile, microalgae are an untapped source of high quality nutrition.

Founded in 2020, NewFish brings together advanced nutrition, groundbreaking science and biotechnology to provide ingredient customers and partners with microalgae protein and ingredient solutions for sports and active lifestyles.

The Blue Economy

While New Zealand is only a small nation, it is a kaitiaki (guardian) to a vast ocean expanse and blue economy.

NewFish are passionate about the blue economy, that is, the sustainable use of ocean and water resources for economic growth and improved livelihoods while preserving the health of our circular ecosystem.

Microalgae can be extracted with no interference to sentient marine life and grown in bioreactors, so production doesn’t compete with arable land.

We relentlessly work towards our mission and passion to develop the blue economy with three key principles in mind - exploring, collaborating and leading:

--- NewFish is exploring the development and commercialisation of future-friendly value-added products and entirely new industries —specifically, the cultivation and processing of microalgae for human and sports nutrition.

--- We are collaborating with New Zealand government, global food industry players, and research organizations to unlock a new microalgae nutrition industry. Our primary partnerships with Cawthron Institute, Riddet Institute, Kernohan Engineering, Sophie’s Bionutrients, Callaghan Innovation are examples of this collaboration.

--- NewFish is leading by example with a bold impact-focused approach and seasoned backers who have pushed us to think bigger. Our Pre Seed round was led by Aotearoa New Zealand deep technology VC, Outset Ventures, along with several globally-focused family offices.

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